Wednesday, February 23, 2011

plkn integration programme

in case you are wondering *wonder ke*,,,i am at home and not attending the program integrasi plkn 21-25february...not because of mak's condition but simply because jabatan latihan khidmat negara postponed it...three days before i took off to kluang i received a message from the person in charge

salam & selamat sejahtera. Pihak starza amat menyesali utk memberitahu semua JL p.integrasi bhw JLKN terpaksa menundakan program ini ke tarikh lain atas sebab2 tertentu. Tarikh baru program akan diberitahu secepat mungkin. Harap maklum

i was already preparing myself,,,reading the modules to be taught to the wira and wirawati when i got the message...yesterday,,,i have done 2 sets of batu seremban as props and prepared 2 sets of ceper also...hehehe...semangat ni even though i don't know when will the new date is scheduled...mungkin ada hikmah kenapa ditunda...saya boleh jaga mak! ;)) tapi duit masuk lambat la...ohhhh ;(

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