Saturday, April 16, 2011

where should i throw the trash?

yesterday i was 'spring cleaning' my grandparents house with my cousin...we collected 4 plastic bags of trash and decided to dump the items at the usual place where the residents around throw their trash...we did it near midnight as we have other obligations to attend to earlier...when we were at the place to dump them,,,there were also a car waiting by the place and the minute i get out of my car,,,he did the same...i acted out as if i were checking some things in the trunk and then he asked me whether i wanted to throw out some trash and i said nope i was checking my things...he was holding a camera in his hands...he asked me again,,,really?not to throw rubbish?i said no and i drove off...

i did not know who he actually is...police or some orang majlis daerah wanted to saman whoever throwing rusbbish at that place...for me,,,it is better if orang majlis put a big rubbish bin at the area for the residents...there were no rubbish lorry picking up the trash at every house so where should they throw the rubbish?in the river is it?or burn them and pollute the air?miss neglected satellite,,,if you are reading this,,,please take note and actions ;p

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