Tuesday, February 1, 2011

sneak preview: kem plkn sembrong, kluang


i took advantage of the time i had with en.s to make him accompany me to make a short trip to kem plkn sembrong,,,kluang...the place where i supposed to be placed as a penceramah jemputan program integrasi plkn...ibunda said if the road to the camp is ok,,,then i am allowed to be back home everyday or else i have to stay there for five days...i think i am ok if stay there too because i miss the environment of being away from parents for awhile...i miss those pkn days of mine and also days in unimap...rasa macam masih bersekolah bila kena tinggal tempat macam tu...that what i miss the most...we started the journey after lunch...so here are the photos...mind you,,,these are only the view from outside...

first kena lalu kebun dan ladang kelapa sawit

jalan tak bertar ada ladang dan banyak pokok kopi

menuju puncak! ;D


kem betul-betul sebelah empangan dan tu tempat pelatih main kayak

woot woot!



myamry said...

wahh..aku pun ada hantar form nak jadi penceramah,,,tapi tade pon jawaban..wuwuwuw

arina_aris said...

yeke?aku apply kt mudah.com...ko try call la...mane tau blh dpt same tmpt ;p

myamry said...

erkk..macam tu eh... hu

arina_aris said...

hehehe try je la nmpk skt bsungguh...cewah...aku apply online pastu die call je

myamry said...

nak tengok cne weih>> aku cari tak jumpa pon kat mudah.com..wuwuuw

arina_aris said...

die da x publish kot..tuty@starzacorp.com.my try email kat sini "JURULATIH PROGRAM INTEGRASI PLKN bagi negeri JOHOR (Separuh masa selama 5 hari" or call 0342895288 cik tuty

myamry said...

okeh tq for the info

arina_aris said...

ur most welcome ;)