Wednesday, September 29, 2010

whisper nights super long overnights

used the free gift in EH! raya edition megazine yesterday.
tooooooooo long
slightly uncomfortable
memang tak bocor la
easy to wash
not gel based
not gonna use again because tooooooooo long i feel like i am wearing adults diapers


Aishah Shahuddin said...

hihi dah lame tak pkai fact da nak masuk 6 bln tak period huhuhu..kotex tetap di hati :)

arina_aris said...

mai:tu r pasal...panjang bebeno
knet:dlu ira pakai kotex,,,skg da x sbb dgr cm kne boikot..hehe..lame gile 6bln...byrkn puase ira...23hari ;p