Monday, September 27, 2010

just a thought

i've been thinking hard about this matter...not that harder than my studies but hard enough it bothers me...although the time has not come yet but i am worried...i'm worried if my jodoh is with someone whom hometown is far from johor...*we are still celebrating raya so i thought this topic is relevant*...when i'm a wife,,,i have to beraya in both sides la kan...but i am not willing to let my parents celebrating the eid alone...without me on the first's sad though...can you imagine,,,celebrating raya berdua?yes,,,they have siblings and all but it wouldn't be the same right?all their siblings are happily celebrating eid with their children but my parents will only be 'the couple' without a child on raya...and i am talking about first raya...

so i am listing a criteria of a future husband for me...hahaha...i told you it bothers me and i came out with all these....
live near johor
orphan/yatim piatu 
orphan & only child

he should be okay if he has at least one of the criteria above...the more,,,the better...

oooohhhhh,,,am i talking based on emotions only?i know that when i am a married person,,,i should be by my husband but what about my parents?i am their one and only flesh and blood...if i were to married a man from other state,,,can't we celebrate the first eid with my parents first every year then,,,only we go to the in-laws...its fair right...that we manage to celebrate the eid with both families on the first raya...

or if he is from kelantan or terengganu,,,can't we just celebrate the aidilfitri with my sides as the celebration of aidilfitri is more happening here than there...and celebrate aidiladha there cause its more happening there during aidiladha?or maybe we celebrate the raya in my hometown,,,him on his hometown because i will NOT let my parents celebrate without me on first raya...yes,,,you can call me selfish...i forgive you for that

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