Tuesday, July 27, 2010

something to look forward to

theatre cuci the musical season 2
venue: istana budaya
date: 27july-10aug 2010

our show: 7july2010 7aug2010
our time: 830pm

" weh,,,jom tengok cuci...after show diorang cakap diorang tunggu sampai diorang da jumpa semuaaaaaa orang...tak macam masa konsert satu suara aritu... "

so we'll see if the crews will wait until whatever time that night to fulfill their promise...
and if my jodoh with en.s panjang,,,that night will be our 4years 1 day date...
counting the days to 6august


Unknown said...

tapi 7 july da lepas....???

arina_aris said...

aah kn..hahaha 7aug snanye..kehkeh