Tuesday, June 1, 2010

second attempt to becoming a ptd

as the title above stated,,,this is my second time receiving the results of a ptd exam...checked it yesterday as soon as i get the chance to get my fingers on the keyboard...unfortunately,,,i failed this time...i was a bit disappointed as both my cousins passed the exams...i thought i did good in the exam....maybe i was too overconfident...i have to muhasabah myself and try again and again...hopefully next time will be my time and that i can pass through all the stages...pray for me ok?

boohoohoo fail... ;(


Unknown said...

same le...hahahha..

asyikin said...

kite pon tak dpt...hukhukhuk...sape yg pass the exam?

arina_aris said...

kak nana: mgkn lepas ni turn kite plak..hehe

ikin: lepas ni r kte dapat same2..bby n kak net dpt...rezeki kawen n nk kawen kot..

arina_aris said...

mai: maleh nk g exam r...hhahahaha

lalala said...

last time kte pun overconfident then failed. mmg frust. this time xterlalu berharap tp doa jelah. alhamdulillah. u do next time k. insya Allah.

arina_aris said...

b: insyaAllah...mungkin time dekat nk kawen nnt br dpt kot..hehe...doakan gk tau...

arina_aris said...

mai: hahaha...all my life kot exams exams exams...same goes to u kan.. ;p