Thursday, May 6, 2010

batu pahat hospital vs putra specialist hospital

hye everyone...
these past few days i received both good news and bad news...i would like to share with you the bad news first...on monday,,,when ibunda got home,,,she said that mak *ayahanda's sister* was admitted to hospital due to heart problem...she was ill since four days before but refused to go to the the time she went to see her regular doctor,,,the doctor said that she is in critical condition and have to be taken to the general hospital...when my ibunda and i visited her,,,she was already getting okay...but unfortunately,,,as a diabetic patient *it runs in both sides blood* she has to cut off her toe fingers to prevent further,,,my auntie called me and said that the toe fingers are already cut off yesterday...

speaking of yesterday,,,while i was having good gossiping and window shopping time with bffs,,,ibunda called me and asked me where i was...she said that mak is warded...another mak?yes,,,my grandmother...i told you that me and my cousins call her mak instead of nenek right?two family members are warded within two days?not a good week for me...mak was warded because she slipped off while feeding her cats...she said that she was avoiding from stepping her cat thus slipped off...she taught of reaching a dining table but unfortunately the table was slippery and she bumped to the chair...however,,,there are no other complications...alhamdulillah...

as a conclusion,,,dear beloved readers,,,whomever you may be,,,please take good care of yourself especially if you already have 'penyakit keturunan' like diabetic...if possible,,,please reduce your daily sugar healthy food and try to exercise at least twice a week...and drink plenty of water *a reminder to myself*...last but least,,,i wish you all are in pink of health and live life happily dearest...

on another note,,,my grandparents will have another great-grandchildren...he/she is due to see the world in the end of this year...hooray...alhamdulillah...can't wait...da terbau baby smell da ni...hehe


Unknown said...

terbau baby smell???cisss....bleh yeh camtu...hahaha...

arina_aris said...

hahaha mesti r bole...nany kamu pun da terbau2 jgk ni...hehehe