Tuesday, May 11, 2010

presentation and reseat ergonomics and tqm exam

i went to serdang on sunday to have presentation for my final project...i was scheduled at 5.10pm-5.30pm but being me,,,i will always try to be at least 30minutes earlier to play with the butterflies on my stomach...so after i get to the venue of presentation,,,my examiner asked my name and he said wait for a while because he wanted to eat...i waited for about 5 minutes and it was not 5.10pm yet...i went in the room at 4.50pm and out at 5.00pm...whoooaaa it was indeed the quickest presentation i ever had in my life...alhamdulillah nothing much to be edited and that i just have to find a company to do my research...and it shocked me when the examiner and the supervisor said that i should include their names when i wanted to visit the company...they will be visiting the company too...sigh...

then,,,yesterday,,,my coursemate nn,,,called and said that anybody who gets b- on industrial ergonomics and total quality management will have to resit for an examination that will be held on 28th may...i don't want to resit the papers...i hope i will not...the day after is my cousin's wedding and how can i concentrate on the exam whilst most of the family members will be celebrating the day and of course,,,there's so much to be done a day before the big day right...please pray hard for me for both papers...pray for at least i get a b or b+....that should be enough for me...thank you...


lalala said...

i pray that u'll get an 'a'! not because it's my wedding we're talking here, but i know u can do better than b-..;)


arina_aris said...

hehehe thank u.... ;p

Unknown said...

yes..lets go for an A... :)

arina_aris said...

satu dpt a satu lg kurang skt dr a...tp alhamdulillah sebab tak kne reseat...
thanks kak nana n b..