Tuesday, May 4, 2010

let me know what u think

hello everyone...see the new template?what do you think?i would like to know whether this is a user friendly template or not...if not,,,why eh?because i find it eye catching but i did not fancy the home,,,post rss,,,comments rss and edit tab at the top and i don't know how to delete those functions...i also did not like the advertise here box tu...other than that,,,i really like this layout because i'm starting to get bored with the old one...i tried to post a poll by nuffnang but it turned out that the poll did not published in the blog and i don't know why....and yes  i am not a good user...i just know how to use the basics function only...ha...ha...


arina_aris said...

takut r nk try n error nnt da slh x reti nk fix..hahaha

Unknown said...

cantik...amik mane...?share2..

arina_aris said...

klik kat link die kt bwh tu...org pn x ingt amk mane...men klik je