Monday, May 24, 2010

this is just irritating

i'm not gonna say much...but this so frustrating...furthermore i saw some muslims buying stuffs from the shop...guess what's lying in front of the shop

can you figure out what is the shape resemble?i can see it clearly when i walk passed the shop

in case you are batu pahat residents...

can they sell that item publicly?and if they can,,,they should warn muslims with some kind of signage right?and what if they use the same chopper to others?samak ke?halal ke?just wondering but it sure irritate me because i am usually easily irritated by random things...

| blog ni kena samak tak sebab ada gambarnya |


Unknown said...

Is it piggy..?

arina_aris said...

yup...yeck kan...

ohmywtf said... chinese..but totally against wat the irresponsible shop did!

arina_aris said...

ohmywtf: i know rite...but no offense to chinese per say...

arina_aris said...

mai: tu r pasal...aku siap nmpk darah2 lg...

TEST said...

erkk..terase mual plak la arina bace entry ko yg ni...

arina_aris said...

tasha: hahahaha...nak bia orang kt bp yang baca blog aku tau pasal ni...sorry tasha... ;p