Thursday, April 1, 2010

second chance

as i promised in previous entry,,,i will update as soon as i reached here is the thing...i have been call to seat a spa examination for ptd post for the second time...i will be seating the exam at the same hotel as before...i knew one of my classmate cum cousin who will be seating the exam too...unfortunately she will be taking the exam at a different hotel...
have to read the malaysia kita once again and do some references on current issues...must be well prepared this time...i hope i will perform well than before...

you know anyone who will be going there for the same reason?i need company...en.s will not be accompanying me...second time he'll not be with me taking the same exam...maybe that's the reason i failed the interview...i can't have my 'lucky charm' before the exam if he's not with me... ;(

| en.s is my tenth followers....terharu...haha |


TEST said...

abang aku dier kat kl plak kena...

arina_aris said...

alaaaa...klo x blh bpoya2 ngn abg ko..hahaha

arina_aris said...

tlg r studykn separuh