Tuesday, March 16, 2010

i don't like to cook

waiting for my dear aunty from bp...she's going to get home to penang but decided to visit her sister here in kl...she called just now to let us know that her family are already on their way and asked "siapa masak nanti?"...there are two anak daras in the house and we both sepakat by answering "kedai masak"...hahahaha...

i admit i am no good at cooking...i just don't like the idea of being in the kitchen and managing all those things that are needed to make a dish...i frequently sneeze when it's time to menumis...bayangkan bila sneeze tu,,,kuman2 masuk dalam dish tu,,,unhealthy kan...but one fine day,,,i will get myself to the kitchen and cook for my beloved...en.s,,,ibunda and ayahanda,,,don't you worry ok,,,i will surely learn a dish or two of your favorites...hehe...

but my favorites en.s HAVE to learn how to prepare them...fair enough... ;p

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