Sunday, February 21, 2010

meet my first love

been in love with this bug since standard 3...and i can say that i can sense this vw anywhere it'll's like wherever i go,,,when there's vw beetle nearby,,,my eyes will catch them...*macam soulmate r,,,macam cubit paha kanan peha kiri terasa* father and mother know well about this...en.s also getting familiar with my 'talent' of sensing my first love...oh,,, no no,,,en.s is not my first love *u know about this,,,don't u?*...i believe in love at first sight but i don't believe it in people relationship...hahaha...i don't even care if other people is questioning about my choice but baby,,,all i know that i'll own u one 2 years time,,,perhaps...

for specs and others,,,click here

| en.s,,,saya mahu ini sebiji untuk hantaran kawen boleh?satu sahaja hantaran...lain tak mahu |


TEST said...

"i believe in love at first sight but i don't believe it in people relationship"

nape x pecaya?

arina_aris said...

sbb aku x pnh alami n aku rase love perlu masa tuk gilap dlm hati...ececece

TEST said...

ohooo....jadi tip nih....ekekek

arina_aris said...

ahahahaha lgpn love at first sight tu mcm love pada luaran klo da jmpe,,go on saje tasya