Tuesday, December 29, 2009

december ends well

watching gema zafana last night with cousins,,,aunty and cousin's fiancee...my grandmother's brother bought us the tickets because he involved in the production...one of my cousin also involve in it as an intern...

the first section was so enjoyable maybe because i was all excited to watch zapin...tapi ada juga yang not so enjoyable and boring sikit sebab lagu slow...lagipun towards the end tu,,,mata da nak lelap,,,kepala da mintak bantal...sebab pagi tu bangun kul 4pg gerak pegi kl sebab kelas da start 27disember...

first class ialah advanced manufacturing,,,start pukul 6ptg tapi,,,aku tak pegi la sebab berkuliah kat istana budaya tu...arini pegi ye tuk second class...urghhh malasnya nak mula berkuliah lagi lepas cuti lama...tapi boleh kot naikkan semangat tu balik sebab akhir bulan disember ni macam banyak benda exciting je...hehe

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